How to Revive With Barley Juice

How to Revive With Barley Juice

Why better your health with barley juice? Advocates of this green mix say its nutritional properties revive cells and get you in top condition. The health effects of barley juice are widely acknowledged and for many the barley juice acts as a stamina inducer--like caffeine but without the buzz. For others its just a great way to get nutrients.


Buy the barley juice in a powder. Several fine brands are available at your local health food store or online.


Use barley juice powder once or twice a day, depending on your routine and needs.


Mix a couple of teaspoons (1/4 teaspoon for children) with several ounces of water.


Drink it quickly. Lingering over barley juice is not recommended as its grassy texture is something many find unappealing.


It's best to drink barley juice without a lot of food so it can go faster into your system. You should feel the effects within a half hour or so. Many report feeling more awake, alert and with more energy.

Tips & Warnings

If the taste of barley juice is offensive to you, add juice instead of water to take the edge off. The taste of barley juice is not sharp, but its grassy flavor might not be to your liking.

Ease into your barley juice regimen. Some recommend taking multiple small doses (under 1 teaspoon) throughout the day, but for starters, try one a day and see how you feel.

Always use caution introducing new elements to your diet. Health experts say barley juice is well established as a healthy and non-threatening diet supplement, but that doesn't mean you can start chugging it down wholesale. Anything can be overdone.